Experience SWEET in a new healthful way.
It is our mission to make nourishing, no junk cakes, desserts & sweet snacks more widely available.

By now we all know that too much refined white sugar and flours are by no means optimal for our wellbeing and longevity, often times resulting in inflammation & digestive disorders which can have wide -reaching adverse health effects. So whilst life might feel too short and joyless without any sweetness, it is a sure shame to spend it feeling sluggish, foggy-brained or continually cranky.

We are

Annia, Dagmar & Aisha and we hope to create and provide wholesome deliciousness.


Food Philosophy

The latest nutritional science will tell you it is the QUALITY of your carbs, sugars and calories that matter most and this is a founding philosophy we joyfully live by at ADALICIOUS. What does that mean? It means ditching the calorie-count and embracing the nutrient-count. Natures unadulterated harvest is brimming with nutrient dense deliciousness that feed health and vitality, that’s why that is all we use.

Food is information to your body, by cutting out the junk and including more natural wholefoods, you’re switching on the happy & healthy genes.

Why plant forward?

We believe in natures abundant and naturally nourishing harvest and choose not to prescribe to labels; we want food to bring people together, not divide and we understand that we are all bio-individual in our dietary needs. Plant-forward is our inclusive approach to celebrating and encouraging the joy and miraculous nourishment of a plant-centric diet that benefits all people and supports a healthy planet.

We want each sweet mouthful to tick our triad of positive eating boxes:


Just like according to global ancient traditions, we believe that food made with love & positive intention can rock your world, heal your body & nourish your soul!! Our food is made with big generous spoonfuls of both. We invite you to enjoy & savour each bite with the same.